Isadora J. Seibert

Isadora Seibert
"When there is a person who’s happy, who is clear, they are a pleasure to be with. When you are lit, you’re giving light. You’re giving light. And if you walk into a dark room, and there are fifty people in that room, and they don’t have candles but you do, all of them will benefit. All of them will benefit, because you will bring the light into the room. It’s not like you can say, ‘Oh, no, no! This is my light only.’ But when you bring it in, the darkness will be gone, and all fifty people will benefit."
~ Prem Rawat
It is the Foundation's purpose to honor Isadora by continuing her legacy of helping others, mirroring the way she lived every day of her life.
Isadora Johanna Seibert
daughter, sister, grand daughter, niece, cousin, friend, teacher, coach, advisor, optimist, volunteer,
shining light
Isadora was a victim of fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma; a very rare form of liver cancer found mostly in, otherwise, healthy young adults.
She exhibited tremendous grace, bravery,
and love throughout her ordeal.
Isadora, who was a resident of Millburn, New Jersey,
graduated from Millburn High School in 2006 and Ramapo College of New Jersey in 2010. She was a beloved teacher of science at Governor Livingston High School in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey.
Purchase a book written by Isadora at the age of seven and reprinted in July 2014. All proceeds from the sale of this book will benefit her Foundation.